Documentaries by Lee Salter

Lee Salter and Michael Chanan made the documentary, Money Puzzles – a film about money and the economic crisis, during 2013-16. Filmed in Greece, Spain, Belgium and the UK during the economic crisis they sought to investigate the real underpinnings of the financial crisis, finding that our relationship to the thing we call money, is rather more complex than is understood by conventional economists.

You can watch the whole documentary in parts below. Salter’s writings on the media coverage of economics can be found here.

MONEY PUZZLES Chapter 1 from Michael Chanan on Vimeo.

The Fourth Estate is one of a number of Third-Cinema-style documentaries made by Dr Lee Salter.

His first film was Secret City, with Michael Chanan, which you can watch below

After The Fourth Estate and as a follow up to Secret City came Money Puzzles, again with Michael Chanan. Money Puzzles was filmed at the height of the crisis that began in 2008.

After Money Puzzles came Lee Salter’s controversial film about prison, Injustice. Injustice gave an account of prison from people on the inside. was of course met with consternation and misrepresentation from authoritarians.

As if to prove the point of The Fourth Estate, Injustice was of course met with consternation and misrepresentation in the media and from authoritarians.

You can view it and make up your own mind what it’s about below.

The most recent film, People and Dancefloors, moved to look at narratives of drug users by drug users themselves.

For more documentaries and short films, see the Sambiki Saru web site or the Sambiki Saru YouTube Channel.